
1st REAL job

hookay.. i never really thought of making money on my own before.. but, i did! last Saturday i went for my first job, selling Hulala Artsy clothes at Padang Kawad UiTM.. at first it was ok... but, when it started to get darker, the STORM came rolling in! though i wasn't there till night (ammar had to go home early.. :p~), i can feel that there's gonna b lots of ppl coming to our booth n buy pur clothes! n it did happened as what Fariq commented on my myspace.. but, i only sold 2 clothes though.. to Hazirah n Naniey.. hehe.. they're my friends from my high school.. i'm not really a good seller.. but, i can design :).. n i already got some ideas of what to design for Hulala.. i wna design more tees but with gold n silver dye n maybe with patches of other cloth/materials.. i wna design bags, umbrellas, stickers, hoodies!, badges, handkerchief (what??), tank tops, cardigans, couple tees n maybe a boxer! best best best!! if only i could have more time..

i felt quite content n eppy all d time coz ammar was there.. hihihi.. it feels good to share my first day at work with him.. i noticed sumtin.. we've gotten softer... by softer i mean, we talk softer, not much shouts (though i always shout loudly if he mocks me..), dulu2, we were a bit shy2..

n thank God ammar's there! he accompanied me to UiTM.. we had to take a bus from my house to Putrajaya Central, ERL to KL Central, KTM to Shah Alam, n a cab to UiTM.. but, we had to walk like 2km to the 'padang' by foot! huh! we were soo exhausted when we came there.. dh la matahari pnas terik!

thank God sum more ammar was there coz he caught lots of photos of THE TIMES! yeah! he even got on the stage n catch their photos..

oh oh! n we noticed this sign on the train to Shah Alam.. the pragnent lady symbol's a bit weird coz her very round belly was a bit 'terangkat'... n we pitty the mom next to the pregnant lady coz her kid was chopped off..

n ammar's face was like this all the time.... huh~

o yeah.. i noticed that i like taking pic of my legs/feet/shoes so much i dunno why~

my frens came!! when i first saw them, i ran quickly towards them!! sgt sronok!! it was even more fun is when we found out hazirah knows fariq (which i don't know who d heck he is till i'm in Hulala) n athirah knows anis who i knew waaayy back in SKBTHO which i haven't seen so long n suddenly appear as a UiTM student... it's like we're in a very small world!!

our booth was next to the Chip-Chip Hooray booth.. some of them that i know are from MMU (but, they probably dunno who i am..).. n they made music out of game sounds! ok, i dunno exactly how to explain it, but, they put in a wire into a gameboy, n fuzed the sound with some gadgets n the sound that they produced was electro-cute n fun! they called the sound as chipsound.. cute isn't it?? ammar said the thing that they did with the gameboy haven't been discovered by the americans yet.. well, he said that they said it to him.. sadly we didn't record the sound though.. all we had was a DSLR.. so, we took their photos..

i also eyed the other booth.. OMG! i never stand in a place full of the stuff that i like!! yea.. i've been to shops n malls.. but, these stuff are really what i'm looking for n i really feel like apart of them (the people who sell the stuff that i like)! ape lagi.... lesap RM100 coz i bought so many stuff.. hehehehe... this is soo much fun!! i get to gain money n spend em at d same time! den i got no money left..

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