
my 1st printed t-shirt!!

sronok! sronok!! t-shirt dh smpai!! actually it's been here since last wednesday night.. i had to submit my t-shirt under my lecturer's door at night.. i never did that before.. but, right after i get my t-shirts (oh, i got two of it n they're both free!!) i ran to the guys' house to give it to remy and take lots of pic of him wearing my t-shirt.. it's a part of the assignment: take 5 creative poses of a talent wearing your t-shirt.. since remy had sincerely wasting a day to send me to ampang to fetch my t-shirt (which we didn't, coz at that time it hasn't been printed yet.. WTF??!), so i put him in the limelight of being my talent for taking 5 shots of the t-shirt.. thanks remy!! and here are the 5 shots:

n u know what.. i wore that t-shirt for two days.. but, not to class.. i like wearing it.. i don't care the design is nice or not.. i just feel comfortable wearing it coz i'm the one who designed it.. n i'm still wearing it now :) hihihi...

btw, if you like the t-shirt, you can order it from me.. hihihi... just imagine the t-shirt that you design is worn by lots of people.. the feeling is soo 'terharu'.... sgt best!!

designing makes me eppy :)

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