

these past 2 weeks (including this week) had been really challenging, hectic n tiring for me.. i didn't get so much sleep.. last week's monday was the worst day i had for my class with che mad.. it denotes that i'm no longer capable of doing my work perfectly.. eversince i started this Beta year, i've been humiliated for quite alot of times.. mostly coz i didn't do my work well and coz i submitted last minute.. and for not going to class & tests..

on the contrary, this week's monday was quite enlightening.. though the day started with rush and chaos, jazz up with italian accent of stupid italian pizza guy at street mall that yelled and shove me out for spraying glue to mount my photos on the mounting board in front of his stupid pizzeria that has few customers, that monday turned out pretty well.. because of that stupid pizza guy, i had to paste all of my photos and labels in the CAR! that's why my photos presentation looked unproportionate.. n i had to stopped and cut the tracing paper, paste on behind the mounting board at the pavement beside Background & Studio building.. n dat's how i got the dirt behind the mounting board.. i had no choice..

then it was time for submission.. i heard che mad commented othr students' unproportionate artworks.. i was nervous.. very nervous, in fact, my hands were shaking when i presented my sloppy work to him.. again he said "ni awak buat ke, mein?? ni salah, shallow depth of field sbelah kiri bukan kanan (while doodling arrow from right to left with marker on my PHOTOS).." then he turned the mounting board.. when her look at the back of that thing, "ya Allah... i've never seen soo dirty mounting board before..." embarrasement.. again..

i don't mind he said those words coz they're true.. so i waited till everybody went back to consult with him more on my DOF and Motion Studies photos.. i wanted to ask him whether my other photos are more better than the ones that i've submitted..when I showed my photos to him, he looked at one photo that i took with a background of trees with no leaves, just branches and a lake far away.. he said, "uish! ni awak amek kt england ke mein?? cam kat england haa..." then i chuckled.. i told him that it was raining.. so that's why the weather looked a bit cold.. he then chose other photos for me to submit.. his face was fine when i consulted with him.. so, i gussed my work was kinda good.. not that good but, enough to make him realize that i'm not totally lazy nowadays..

so, that monday really make me feel happy a bit.. well.. a bit of happiness means alot to me now coz i keep on falling apart.. just a little bit of good compliment from anybody would give me sort of courage, excitement and willingness to keep moving forward... isn't that Lewis's moto in Meet the Robinsons movie...?

Depth of Field


Motion Studies


Keep Moving Forward!


Faiz said...

congrats mein :D

mein melon said...

thanx faiz.. tp blom anta lg neh... gambanye pon bru print.. mounting board x bli lg.. labels x print lg.. kne anta tmrw coz friday-sunday dh kne g ulu yam yg dodol..