
sucky day~

yea.. my birthday sucks.. i even cried on my birthday... i told you that my birthday's gonna be sucks and it happened.. thanx to a certain someone who had been with me for the past two years but still dunno what i want..

but, for those who wished me today, i really really appreciate it.. it tells me that i'm not alone n there are still people who cares bout me.. specially my mama who wished me since yesterday.. so, she became the first person who wished me happy birthday.. sadly people, my birthday's not that happy.. maybe i didn't show you that i'm not happy, but i do it coz of all of you.. all of you have given me good whishes.. you get my smile in return.. :)

i celebrated my birthday yesterday at McD, Sri Kembangan.. that turned out to be the point of why i'm not happy today.. not coz i don like the celebration.. it's coz of that certain stupid guy who was selfish as hell.. i thought him a lesson already but, the conversation doesn't end so well.. enough bout him.. thanx to Kamil (for inviting & being the 3rd person to call me and wished me and for making me wear that cute Shrek's ears to class eventhough we have Comp. Modelling Mid Term), Nad (for being the only person in this house who knew bout my birthday last night), Yaya (for still remembering my birthday & being so sweet last night), Acap (uuh.. for being himself & gave me a very thoughful birthday present.. he gave a me a t-shirt that he did himself), Maher (for driving & being macho), Ecah (for being pretty & happy and cutting her own fringe nicely), Alia (for sitting next to me and bringing Lah along...), Syira (for being high.. haha..), Lah (for being the joker & made me laugh..) as well as Haris (i dunno if that's your name or not, but thanx for coming anyway.. you don't even know me, but you still came to celebrate my birthday.. not like someone who has no concern to try and be here for me)..

my mama said "meeeeiiinn..... dah 18 ni... banyak resposibility tau...." as far as i know, i've handled alot of resposibilities since i was young.. go to school alone from tadika.. taking care of my lil bro eventhough he calls me stupid sometimes.. taking care of my nieces when my sister's not around.. washing the toilet eventhough everybody's using it.. helping my parents alot eventhough probably they don't realize that.. being there for my friends eventhough they don't treat me right.. for being the one who can be mocked/told off to make you feel a little bit more superior.. just accept every tasks that i took and try to do it nicely so that everyone's happy including my teachers and lecturers.. for accepting people's faults and blaming myself for it instead; eventhough they're the ones who hurt me.. if i wasn't born on this day 18 years ago.. you can just imagine what'll happen.. i don't wanna brag boout it.. but, it's my birthday.. i deserve a pat on my back from myself..

i'm so thankful that i'm still alive.. so that i can make all of you happy.. through my own ways..


teddy said...


Even though I no idea who you are! But everyone deserve a break on their birthday!!

mein melon said...

:) thanx teddy.... huever u r...

Faiz said...

xtau birthday u.

happy belated bday mein :)

btw, urs i rase ok lg than mine. i nyer bday mase br masok mmu aritu haa amek xde sape tau ahahahaha

mein melon said...

haaa? yea...? kesian model jamban ni ha... eppy belated bday (^.^)

Faiz said...

thank you :)