u wna watch one of the reviews made by my friend bout Geng the Movie? Drop by to Blog Sudah Tertulis written by my friend Syahir.. he gave a very good review bout d FIRST N VERY LAWAK MALAYSIAN 3D ANIMATED MOVIE EVER MADE!
u wan my review? hmm.. since d momment the movie starts, i can't help but laugh! soo lawak weyh~ the whole cinema was filled with joy n tears coz dey laugh too much.. uuh.. i might making up d crying part.. hehe..
i totally adore Upin, Ipin n Opet's voice! n their taglines too. there were soo many usable taglines in the movie like "tashi! tashi!" said by Opet, "sapiiee (pronounced sa-pi-e'), goooo~!" said by Rajoo (sounds like in d movie Bolt dou..) n "matte dea, meghaah sagaaa!" said by Tok Dalang, "eee.. bdak-bdak niiiee..." said by Ros, "eek! tak kuaasse aku.." said by Sally n alooots more..
i think the movie has this kind of 'habit' or i dunno wachamacallit of having someone else talking in the background right before someone else talks. uuh.. i really dunno how to explain it. go n watch d movie u'll understand wat i said :p~ i really like them do that. i think, those parts were the ones that made the audience laugh alot. they should really keep that 'habit' up! that's a good trend, btw.
there was this part when Opet reeealy sounds like a Japanese character coz he was as if talking in japanese language.. but anyways, Opet sgt cute!! but, his mom doesn't.. hahaha! we really don like the mother's voice. it sounded like she's a he.. n the part when she tranformed n detransformed from an already-weird-but-loving-animal to a big-king-kong-like-monster looked like when Bruce Banner transformed into The Hulk. the shadows, the way it transformed, all looked like The Hulk. but, i guess what other ways can a monster like that transformed right...? hmm.. (thinking)
the message of the movie was clear and far more distinctive than any other Malaysian movies. it involves animals. that's all i can say coz i don wna be a spoiler to those who haven't watch the movie.. hehe..
i was really connected to each part of the movie except fo Opet's Mom's voice aaand the gado-gado part between the Ular Besar n Opet's Mom (Opet's Mom doesn't have a name, is it..?). maybe if it was filled with more humor like the snake's bumped onto the cave's rock when the part was getting serius, i'd be totally fine with the part.. but, i guess they just wna make us shivers more on our seats.
ha! n d eeeeuuwww-iest part of all was when the Ulat Gonggok crawls veeerryy slowly on Rajoo's head. fwah~ part tu mmg geliii... but, it was good la kan people get that euwy feeling. meaning they were successful in making people really feel the momment as if the Ulat Gonggok crawls on us.
the texture of the 3D model was great for a cartoon. it's detailed but not very detailed. if it's very detailed den it won't look cartoonish la kan.. the 3D models look cute, perfect for a cartoon movie.
the best part of all is that the movie was done logically eventhough it's not logic.. haih~ mein ni ckp b'belit-belit la kan? wat i was meant to say is that, the movie wasn't like a typical malaysian movies where sometimes we were wondering how the heck that guy's suddenly dead when he was only hit by a small rock on his head? or eee.. bodonye minah2 gedix ni sume.. dah tau seru2 hantu iblis sme tu kje setan korang buta gak kan.. pastu dah kne akibatnye korang nanges2 plak.. spe sroh seru2 menatang tu? ha.. GENG the Movie wasn't like dat.. they really have good storyboard i guess.. itula hasilnye ble blajar ngn che mad :p~ haha! msuk gak nme che mad kt cni..
hakikatnye, malaysia skang dah maju.. bt sumtimes, the people don't wan to be maju jugak.. so, kdg2 tu t'bantutla p'kembangn malaysia ni.. tp nk wat cmne kn.. org2 kte ni susah nk berubah.. eh.. why suddenly i talk bout dis.. dah dah.. nk g cari info on Lek Lu Production's ideas! can't tell u wat it's gna be.. :p~
hahaha thanks promote blog aku... wahaha~
crita ni mmg best la!
hehe.. yea... jom tgk lg! :p~
hye mein. aku pn da tengok cite ne ngn dorg.
best gak la.
tp part lawan2 tu aku da start bosan sket.
mak opet 2 mcm bapak. ganas. mcm cite dragon ball pn ade.aha.
tp klaka gile la cite ne.
and and yes! org malaysia sudah maju sekarang.huu :)
oh ko pn sme gak rse cmtu :p~ klaka kn? kn?! haha! sronok! yea.. aku rse mak opet tu nmpk cm grang sgt sbb sore dea cmtu :p~
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