for example, look at the image above. do you know who they are? why are they dressing like that? those are Cyborgs. hmm.. kinda like a character you'd find in a cartoon moive isn't it? this is the photographer's review on this photo:
"This time we're in a parallel universe, you know, a different one from the other photos from this sci-fi series (more cyberpunkish).. This universe is the pseudo-Victorian mechanical "steampunk", and here, three steampunk cyborgs (steamborgs?!) are eating some dan dan noodles (I've decided, in any parallel universe dan dan noodles rocks) .. Anyway, the one in the middle looks a little like the Big Daddy of Bioshock.."
i copied this from Ruben's (owner of the Really Japan Photoblog) photoblog About page, the let's find out who he is..
Hello, who are you?
Hi, my name is Ruben, I'm Italian but I've been living in Tokyo for almost two years now.
When did you start taking photos and why?
I've always liked to take photos, however it was only when I bought my first SLR (a Nikon D80) few months ago and started experimenting with that big & heavy camera that I realized I was going to be sucked in that "new world".
Why ReallyJapan?
Oh.. I've found that this domain was free in january 2008 and registered it..
However the question at that time was: what I'm going to do with this domain?
So, for many months this website was just a blank page.. But as soon as I discovered the photoblogging world I said: Yeah, let's do it!
Take a look at some of his works:

Time Passed

Japanese Man Hairstyle

Hong Kong 2108

Ghost in the Shell

Donny Darko Tokyo

AZ20 Street Tout in Ueno
See the real Japan at Really Japan
OMG clearly the guy kutip ideas from Halo!
Nice to put as wallpapers though.
eiii melon kamu kna tag la...
wahaha~ pg page sya ye!
junior - oh really..? mmm.. i don play Halo so i dunno~
syahir - oh ek? ok..
Hi, I'm Ruben from Reallyjapan.com ;)
You know, I'm just an amateur photographer and I was kinda suprised to find my little photoblog on smashing magazine..
I live in Tokyo and love so much exploring this city, 'cause even if it's a huge city with millions of people, there are many "hidden" places.. I'm not interested in the cliches image of Japan (temples, geisha, onsen but even the cliche of the modern japan, the chaos of shibuya and so on), I'm more interested in the hidden, forgotten places of the city.. you know, dark places, no-one wandering around because there's absolutely nothing, maybe just under the railway track or between an underground river and an espressway..
About the photo manipulations.. I love sci-fi movies, especially with cyberpunkish moods (blade runner, ghost in the shell), as well as videogames (definetely Resistance2, and Halo as well) and sometimes when I review my shots at home I find some shot that would be cool to turn into a "movie".. or something like that..
I mean, it's not the manipulation itself that is important, but the filmesque feeling, the subject, the colours.. the mood ;)
Ok sorry I talked too much ;)
Ruben (info@reallyjapan.com)
ruben - whoa~ i'm speachless! thanx fo dropping by Ruben!! dis dosn't happen everyday u know.. someone i reviewed visiting my web :))))) sronok!
junior - u've got ur answer, kid :p~
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