based upon this bottom list, i took a time off from the momment i got back from class yesterday to 1++AM to clean up my room.. i'm telling u, throwing stuff never felt so good!! :)
- keeping my mom from blabbering bout my room's too messy
- i wna see find all those stuff i've bought bt never wear/use, those things i never knew i had and those things that can remind me of the good old times~
- bilik bersih, otak bersih! ;)
- get inspirations out of the junks i have in my room
- rimas la aku tgk habuk2 rambut2 'berkeliaran' neh!
The Relics

this Photography assignment took me 2 weeks of photoshoot, a day of buying all the things needed, a day to paste em all together 'neatly', a day for Che Mad to yell "ini macam bukan mein buaaatt je...?". thus, it ended up under my table..
1. picture of me at China on a China
2. the feathers are actually apart of the mask i wore to FCM Nite last year where i won sumtin dat nite..
3. all those bobbing-head dolls are gifts from my frens from SMK Cheras Perdana
4. Luvstitch given by Ammar for my Bday.. mse Bday tu adela bnde berlaku..
5. Tom Torn, my first Bearbrick which now dah bercalar-balar my niece n bro buat!!
6. picture of me graduating from Tadika Umi :p~ x bley zoom!
i collected Cleo since i was 15.. wna borrow?
Al-Quran, children encyclopedia, Jean Ure's books, Liana Afiera Malik's novels, Gossip Girls novels (which i hate d TV series coz they're not d same!!), P.S. I Love You given by Ammar on my Bday, the rest are graphics, ideas, communication studies, 3D modelling, fashion books n magazines..
oops! alaaa... i wanted to paste dis Malaya Distro Sticker on my book racks.. but, i accidentally koyakkan.. T.T nak lagiii~ ni kne bli T-Shirt Malaya Distro lagi neh!
where did u put ur MMU bag? mine's at the last rack of my Ikea's BILLY Bookcase.. under the bag are some leftovers of my Shopaholic assignment for DF..
1. Acap drew me a Bday prezen wen i was 17.. so, Ajwad wasn't d 1st one who drew me for my prezen :p~
2. Lana gave me a blue Bearbrick keychain which i haven't got a name fo it till now..
3. Stoochie's a Bday prezen from Ammar too.. it came wif Luvstitch
1. contains my highshcool BM papers..
2. urgh! i'll never open this file again coz it contains all of 2006 SPM papers!
3. contains Physic tution papers.. lagi xnk bukak!
4. contains Add Maths papers.. fainted~
i think Kamil stole this bunting for me coz i said i wanted it.. thanx Kamil.. it looks gud on my white/yellow wall.. :)
i used to wrap all of my exercise books.. now they're stacking up on this box doin nothing..
i got these Levi's Post Cards from Don't Panic! Packs.. i ave lots of em.. i didn't wan it to juz stay in d pack, so i put it ther.. do you wan em? who uses Post Cards these days, right?
1. clothes tags i managed to collect..
2. Bday cards, flyers, tickets
3. que cards fo Kebuchi-Kebuchi Kebowwow on-air sessions n Kamil's sketches of weird faces for d Stress Ball we sold on ARt Market '07
4. highschool pictures! no zoom-zoom!
5. 1 of d 3 Celcom Badges i got from entering CYA
6. i stole dat from a freshie.. :p~ i like d concept of the Freshie's Guide for Dummies.. haha! nice!
7. an article "Calon PMR lahir 1990 risau tidak boleh lorek kertas jawapan".. kan dlu krtas OMR tu xde no. 9 kt tmpat lorek IC tu..
8. Prom Nite Invitation Card..
9. me n Anjani collected as many cellphones flyers as possible on our trip to Mid Valley on d 1st sem.. haha! we did dat coz we we like their flyers.. not coz Mr. Fauzan suroh..
10. A LOT of Don't Panic! Packs..
i made this invitation card for my frens wen i was 16.. it was our 1st n last prom nite.. hehe~ we did it at my house.. no boys la kan.. juz a Sparkling Water from Carefour, Black Forest Cake, lots of sweets, pasta dat i cooked n a corset dat i made for each of em :) my corset ilang ntah ke mne.. cocroach dah mkn kot..
1. 17th Bday card from my Mama which told she wanted to gimmie Sidney Sheldon's novel.. tp smpai skang xde bg pon, Ma?
2. 17th BDay Card from my sis telling me to choose the right path for my studies..
3. 18th BDay Card form my sis which told a hell of a life of being a design student.. n now i'm living it..
4. Ateem bg Kad Raya Naruto.. haih~
5. 16th Bday Card from Fana which wrote she wanted to gimmie a red dustbin fo my bday prezen instead of pink.. aku x kesah la Fana~ asalkn de hadiah :p~
6. again d Prom Nite thingy
7. DJAN 08 card - special coz me n Ammar danced fo d 1st time dat nite..
8. 1 of d st flyer i designed dat got into public.. :p~
9. Gang Starz Final Concert Ticket - special coz it ws d 1 nite my parents allowed Ammar to follow us n watch d concert.. me n Ammar lompat2 dpan stage while my parents dok kt seating atas.. :p~

2. the feathers are actually apart of the mask i wore to FCM Nite last year where i won sumtin dat nite..
3. all those bobbing-head dolls are gifts from my frens from SMK Cheras Perdana
4. Luvstitch given by Ammar for my Bday.. mse Bday tu adela bnde berlaku..
5. Tom Torn, my first Bearbrick which now dah bercalar-balar my niece n bro buat!!
6. picture of me graduating from Tadika Umi :p~ x bley zoom!

2. Lana gave me a blue Bearbrick keychain which i haven't got a name fo it till now..
3. Stoochie's a Bday prezen from Ammar too.. it came wif Luvstitch

2. urgh! i'll never open this file again coz it contains all of 2006 SPM papers!
3. contains Physic tution papers.. lagi xnk bukak!
4. contains Add Maths papers.. fainted~

2. Bday cards, flyers, tickets
3. que cards fo Kebuchi-Kebuchi Kebowwow on-air sessions n Kamil's sketches of weird faces for d Stress Ball we sold on ARt Market '07
4. highschool pictures! no zoom-zoom!
5. 1 of d 3 Celcom Badges i got from entering CYA
6. i stole dat from a freshie.. :p~ i like d concept of the Freshie's Guide for Dummies.. haha! nice!
7. an article "Calon PMR lahir 1990 risau tidak boleh lorek kertas jawapan".. kan dlu krtas OMR tu xde no. 9 kt tmpat lorek IC tu..
8. Prom Nite Invitation Card..
9. me n Anjani collected as many cellphones flyers as possible on our trip to Mid Valley on d 1st sem.. haha! we did dat coz we we like their flyers.. not coz Mr. Fauzan suroh..
10. A LOT of Don't Panic! Packs..

2. 17th BDay Card from my sis telling me to choose the right path for my studies..
3. 18th BDay Card form my sis which told a hell of a life of being a design student.. n now i'm living it..
4. Ateem bg Kad Raya Naruto.. haih~
5. 16th Bday Card from Fana which wrote she wanted to gimmie a red dustbin fo my bday prezen instead of pink.. aku x kesah la Fana~ asalkn de hadiah :p~
6. again d Prom Nite thingy
7. DJAN 08 card - special coz me n Ammar danced fo d 1st time dat nite..
8. 1 of d st flyer i designed dat got into public.. :p~
9. Gang Starz Final Concert Ticket - special coz it ws d 1 nite my parents allowed Ammar to follow us n watch d concert.. me n Ammar lompat2 dpan stage while my parents dok kt seating atas.. :p~
Tak macam kapal pecah dah yayy!

workspace dh kemas! eventhough it looks crowded.. bt dat's d way i like it :) x crowded x dpt idea la~
i kept all of my art stuff here..
tu pic Acap draw dh paste on d wall, d boards is filled wif stuff n wat's in d bulat red thingy? u don wna know~
book racks pn dah susun kmas2
tinggal satu je lagi...
hah! yea! i'm a Shopaholic :)) i have lots of plastic bagssss~! dis looks messy right.. lemme juz susun leklok~
ha! dah susun! :) hihi! sronoknye menyusun plastic bags! bley bkk kedai plastic bags klo cmni..
tadaa~! dah simpan sume (^.^)

tinggal satu je lagi...

I can't believe you could finish doing this within ONE day :|
dat's wat determination n passion does to people :) oh! n correction, it's one night.. :p~
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