i have a huuuge collection of wrapping papers.. i dunno what to do wif em.. but, i like collecting em.. i just can't resist buying em at least once a month.. i'm addicted to their graphics! specially the a.e.i.o.u wrapping papers!! aaa~ i love em!
i used to wrap my school's exercise books wif these wrappers. now dat i'm in university, n not using so much book anymore, i don have any idea how i can mke em useful.. sure, i'll wrap some presents for my friends n relatives once in a while.. bt, they're still alot of em! i think i wna paste em on my walls~ bt it'll be such a waste! maybe i'll just make a collection of em n look at em once in a while...

hey, i kinda have a suggestion for u.
if u rajin gle2 lar kn...
u could make stars out of thm and put it in a bottle or smethng..
nini ade kotak yg design same cem yg 1st tuh :D
kerbauuuu zomgz adorable.
ade idea! nnt my birthday give me huge present... pastu, wrap la byk2 layer... mesti berkurang pny la n x membazir!
boleh buat inspiration !
puteri - haa?! i don wna cut em... sayaangg~
nini - if u nk match wif d box, i can sell dat wrapping ppr if u want :p~
junior - a.e.i.o.u byk character kerbau, korg tau x?
syahir - eek! mmbazir la ko ni syahir.. 1 sudah!
alif - yea yea.. sbb tu i put em here :)
tambah koleksi lagi ok=)
semestinye! :)
glad to knw another aeiou fans:)
CK!! u're a.e.i.o.u fan too?? hehehe~
orang senget memang camni.
come to think of it, aku dulu pon collected u remember those mickey mouse punya gift cards? I had a lotta that thingy, mana tah peginya sejak kawen aku tak nampak dah.
so I guess I am senget too. cheh.
ngahaha~ klo kakja kumpul skang pn x gune.. nnt kyra koyakkan.. :p~
koyak... erm I dun think so.
she has a *thing* about mickey too. She has this small pink mickey mouse pillow that she carry around at home. She won't sleep until the pillow is anywhere near her.
so i guess, it will be her collection instead of mine, but my money would be paying for it. hmm...
hehe~more than a fans i must say...haha
anyway, u hv any suggestion, comment on the company design?
suggestions?? hmmm.. mybe i do.. but all i wna do is buy the a.e.i.ou wrappers once a week :D hehehehe
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