3D Twisties Vending Machine: Front View
i got soo twisted doin dis 3D! sme salah twisties!! xdela.. salah aku sbenanye... :p~ tu la mein.. pe sroh wat lmbt2.. kn dh kne anta lmbt.. seb baek Kamil ade, bley anta g print n submit..
but stil, dis moning i ave 2 submit d CD, d illustration of d vending machine and d design journal.. i juz woke up! design journal tu x paste2 lagi! argh! wat skang gak, mein! kang t'tdo lg...

3D Twisties Vending Machine: Left, Front, Right Views
it's hard fo me 2 edit d 3D's perspective view in photoshop.. so i juz amek d front n side views rendered images.. npe x gne map je, u say? coz i was freaking panic tatau cmne nk mapkn dea!! :( biarla.. da siap pn.. dh print pn.. dh submit pn 3D ni.. it's done! move on.. it's ok.. i still ave time to edit d perspective view.. i'l put it here wen i'm done.. haih~ wy do human have to sleep~
3D Twisties Vending Machine Design Concept
Vending Machine
Human want everything to be fast nowadays. That is why human invented vending machines; to help us get the product from the vending machine with just a few steps. Vending machine sells alot of things ranging from instant food, beverages, even iPod can be brought through vending machine today. Food and beverages brands are taking the full advantage of vending machine by putting them at places with good market quality such as universities, theme parks, hospitals, sport complexes and shopping complexes.
Design Concept: Fusion of Brand, Place and Theme
The brand that i chose is Twisties, which is one of the favourite snacks of Malaysians. Twisties is a flavoured corn snacks (as stated on the packaging). Twisties' flavours includes cheese, tomato, spicy & hot (curry), spicy & sour garlic, barbecue and chicken. Twisties' tagline is "Life is Straight... Without Twisties". Based on this tagline, I personally think that Twisties is creating a diversion for it's target audience, which mainly are kids and teenagers. Therefore, I squeezed my brains to think of something that generates this kind of quality: circus! The word 'circus' derives from the word 'Ring' or 'Circle'. Circus is a place where skilled performers entertain the circus visitors with their skills. Circus performers are wild and fun! They sort of 'inviting' the audience into a different mythical and adventurous place where everything is possible. That is why i picked the theme circus to be blended into the concept of my 3D Twisties Vending Machine. I found that circus and Twisties shares the same idea of attracting people into their world. Circus also relates to the place which i chose to fuse my 3D Twisties Vending Machine with: Theme Park. Theme Park is a place for releasing stress and just have fun by hopping on into fun rides and play games at the theme park's booths. I think that my 3D Circus-Twisties Vending Machine is fit to be put at the theme park because it has a fun vibe and attracts people to get out of their comfort zone.
Design Concept: Elements of Design
I used merry-go-round, cyclop's eye, fire and tattoo-like stripes to express the idea of circus. If you may ask, why do I chose cyclop's eye, it is because I think that it symbolizes the words 'weird' and 'out of your comfort zones'. People would think that if you eat Twisties, you'll be able to be anything that you want. The vending machine actually has the vibe of daring people to be different. The colour palettes which are mainly yellow, red, orange and purple, are taken from Twisties' original colours. The colours are signifying fun, adventurous and wild side of Twisties.
How to Use the Twisties Vending Machine
Let me explain how can you use the 3D Twisties Vending Machine. First, you have to put in your money at the shillings and money notes slots below the Twisties tagline, "Life is Straight... Without Twisties". Second, you can choose the snack's flavours that you want to buy by pressing one of the flavours button on the merry-go-round illustration. Third, you can get the flavoured Twisties that you chose at the retriever which is at the 'mouth' of the vending machine. I also put the Twisties' nutrition values at the left side of the vending machine. This is because people tend to have a degenerate ideas about snacks are unhealthy. So, I wanted to retrograde people's view by telling them that Twisties is actually not as unhealthy as they think it is. At the right side of the vending machine, I put a flaming illustration of the Twisties logo (which I traced using Illustrator by the way) to tell people to "Get Wild with Twisties".
mnde yg aku merepek ni pn tataula~
vending machine tu mcm air kotak pn ade gak kn.. :p~ haha kutuk kje sndri..
are u in a college or uni?
menarik idea kamu!
puteri bahiyah - uni.. wy...? my work looks inadequate izit...?
YobSumo - oh ! thanx! :) bestnye.. ther's a person who can understand my idea!
laaaa... Yob Sumo tu kau ke syahir! dodol! hahaha~
find this blog pon sbb nak search who's the designer of twisties advert or packaging nye from malaysia la.
alik2 dpt dis thing.
and mein melon? tahu ke?
dis one is nice.
kiosk ni best2!
sorryla, wafa'a.. tatau la tapi iklan 3D dea best giler!! thanx for your compliment :)
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