yayy!! css web fo Internet Apps dh siaaapp! eventhough i was late for class n submitting it, Mdm. Ling gave a good remarks fo the web.. it's not my best job everr, but itulah hasilnye wen u do ur work last minute.. i was working on it since last nite.. then my eyes buat hal.. dea silau plak pkol 5 pagi.. so, i took a rest and wind up bangun pkol 9 pagi.. hah~~~ at that time, i've only done the index page.. tu pn layout je.. still empty with no designs whatsoever.. that's why i came late.. Arm hanta.. thanx Arm! org nak blanje mkn xnk plak.. xpe xpe.. later i nk blanje mkn gak, k..
i'm still working on the css web though.. it looks ugly right now.. but, there's no point on designing it further coz i can't upload it right away.. i ave 2 go to MMU n upload it at Mdm. Ling's server.. i can do it at home too using VPN.. bt i dunno how.. can someone teach me?? or shud i just Google it myself.. fine..
i have to do 3D Bouncing Ball Animation fo Digital Animation plak tonite.. sungguh aku tidak reti mem-bouncingkn bola ituu...
here's the link: Mein Melon Webby
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