tomorrow, me n my family's gna go n celebrate my lil bro's bday! he's gna be nine.. yea, he's 10 years younger than me. this is my gift to him.. i wrapped it like his favourite food packaging: McDonald's la.. ape lg.. wna know what's inside? read the card.. i didn't do the card btw.. why should i? nnt koyak jugak dea kjekan.. nevertheless, i still sacrifice one of my favourite wrapping paper for him..
wah... kakak yg sgt baik... happy birthday adik mein aka ateem!
p/s: mein aku pn ske makan mcD... haha~
oh.. haha! tu klue aku kne wrap hadiah bday ko cm McD pnye packaging ke?? :p~
my adek oso gonna b nine nex wiken ;D
oh! ok.. nini.. rugi x ikot ktorg g kt jambatan smlm tgk 1 Putra gelap.. hehe..
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