

comparing the original Heartless from Kanye West and these cover versions, i think the covers are better than the original..

yang ni yg paling cuuuteee! Justin Bieberrr~ bestnyee dea msukn Successful skali.. g Google dea cepatt! credit to Junior..

oh, this is fo Ammar :) credit to Kamil.. this one pun better than the original..


Anonymous said...

kris allen pny version still da best la mein!

mein melon said...

x minat kris allen, thank you..

Anonymous said...

lalallalalla. ni mesti die-hard fan adam ni. haish.

nazira aziz said...

omg I suka lagu last tuuuuuu! :DDDDD
siapa original singer dia??

mein melon said...


syahir - not die hard.. just a fan.. tapi mmg x minat Kris Allen..

nazira - Kanye West (Heartless). Drake (Best I Ever Had)

-zaza:o:binxz- said...

i think u can add d edward cullen thingy here already lolz

mein melon said...

yang edward cullen tu kan dah twit..