
thunderbolt pika-pika's house

yeah! edited!

para gadis

sume org muka cam "heh?" Alia sorang je ayu :>

macam deorg salam

like family :D

rambut Haziq mahal!

makcik Ally senduk2

alamak salah focus~

hehe.. there's a reason why i made this photo black & white

para lelaki


i can't help but think deorg ni adek bradek padahal tak pun..

tengok mulot wan

Pak Aji dah datang.. escorted by King Haziq

Maher cakap pic ni 'marvelous'

uuh.. saye lapar..

kepala Kamil bersinar la!

ketuk syira! ketukk!

aih.. matching plak baju ha.. tak plan ok..

meet Chengeng! hihi..

everbody got their own Chengeng curtosy of Maherausaurus.. thanx Maher! :D

cik Pinky kesana kemari

Kamil malu2 cerita :>

story time!

tak aci Kamil dapat dua Chengengs!

the red couple.. you know what they say about the colour red.. ;)

Ecah jeling2

belilah Chengeng ketika anda di Aus :)

sumanya lovely2 until..

...Ecah kacau daun! :p~

geng Hijau

geng Campur2

geng Biru

geng Hitam

nikah dengan yang mane satu Haziq??


polaroid Syira sungguh menawan!


Pak Aji muka singa


Aisyah Adam said...

a'ah la i kacau daun lol :p
*ketuk diri sendiri*

nice pics+nice captions!

mein melon said...

hahaha! x baek ketuk diri sndri.. thanx :)