
i shall name it Flufferpuff! :D

aaaaaa!! i want to pinch ur nose and kiss your pink lippy..... isn't it fluffy? his/her name is Flufferpuff! no, i don't own it.. Ammar took his/her picture at... some zoo at Aus.. can't remember the name.. heheh.. click la the photo.. the bigger the picture, the crazier you'll be when you stare at the koala.. you'll want one! if i have it, Flufferpuff will be in my arms every night..


Anonymous said...

tp drg pemalas mein. mcm mana tu?

mein melon said...

x kesaaaaahhh... lagi malas lgi aku sukeee :D hihi.. sbb nnt dea doookk je kt tmpat dea x kacau org..