
alienating max

Lyanne Batik Refined Logo

3D's max? apetu? kueh ek? tatau tatau.. x penah dgr la 3D's Max tu ape.. post kat blog ni lagi best!! so far, these are what i've done for my Lyanne Batik Re-Branding project:

Final Logo

lects cakap my ideation dah ade.. deorg just sroh cepat buat sume kje ni je.. yea.. saye memang lambaaattt cm kura2 bila buat kje coz i don't wna regret saying "npela x buat camni.. i should've done this and that..."

for the logo, i've refined it by making the typeface bolder and readable (fo the word 'Batik' tu). colour pun dh tuka bagi vibrant sket sbb Mr. N ckp dull.. tagline pun dah ade.. thanx Kamil..... :) and tuka positions of the words too.

Loyalty Card Design

anybody who become a member of Lyanne Batik will be called 'The Lyannees'. got the name mase dlm kreta odw g Sunway Giza (my mom'snew boutique branch). mase tu hujan.. so tbe2 dapat name tu. people can only get this card when they purchase sumtin above RM100. Mr. N suka card yg ade cut-outs tu (right side one).

Clothes Label

label ni width dea 2.8cm and height 4cm.. kecik je..

Label Placement

actually, for the accesorise xde tulis size.. just the material.. but i chose this picture coz yg ni lagi cantik drp pic laen..

Brochure Design - Exterior

the reason why i made the shape of the brochure like a mail is coz when they giveaway the brouchure, it'll be like an invitation for the receivers.. in vitation for what? tgk kat bawah..

Brochure Design - Inside Content

invitation tu is "to be the heir of our heritage". seswai ngn tagline la kot.. dlm brochure ade brief history, maps, about the loyalty card, batik-making workshops and...

Brochure Design - Small Catalogue Inside

i've included a small catalogue insde the brochure coz obviously nak tunjuk ape deorg jual.. kalau xde catalogue x best la kan.. ade pic kecik2 je x puas.. catalogu ni ade 4 pages.. special thanks to Hidayat and Azah sebab jadi talent ktorg :)

Brand Signature Pattern

packagings? ntah.. it's still in my head.. ngh buat ni ha.. website pun tergendala.. aaaa~ x bley nk extend plak tu... kalau xde website tu bley focus more on the 3D.. spela pandai2 sroh buat website tu yea... haih~


Anonymous said...

ambik aku jd model lagi bagus xD

mein melon said...

syahir poyooo~ btw, Azah tu mmg model la.. dea ade masuk competition apetah..

custom brochure design said...

Nice designs.

professional brochure design service

mein melon said...

thanx :)