taking a break from the ever annoying LB re-branding work..
sape2 bce blog cik Ecah kecah korang sume tau la kan MI-ans buat model bus stop.. this is mine! the brand i chose was Secret Garden. i chose that from the moment our lect sroh pilih Malaysian brand only coz i got the idea of turning a bus stop into a fantasy garden. but, instead of making a fantasy-ish, i just add a fantasy scenery onto the product, Secret Garden Botanical Body Lotion.

Perspective View
as you can see, my bus stop ade base.. dekat template dea x sroh buat base pun.. but saje tambah.. coz the bottom part looks bare.. so i glued it senget sket coz bosan la straight2 ikut line ni.. every texture that i've used here, in real life should be just a sticker that will be pasted onto the bus stop, including the water yang t'keluar from the ad tu..

Left Side View

Right Side View

not-so-Aerial View

Ad Board Detail View

Info Board Detail View
special thanks to CGTextures for all of the textures that i've downloaded, the designer of stunning fantasy scenery The Edge wallpaper on Desktopgraphy, Lionel and to other designer and owner of the textures or images that i've used for the bust stop.

Secret Garden Botanical Body Lotion
the Secret Garden Botanical Body Lotion punye pic tu i took it myself. siap beli lagi ok.. xpela.. for assignment purposes.. kalau x mne nk dpt pic dea beso2 kn..
im loving all the artworks...but from a far..people dont get to see what the product is that much. sbb dia 'bustop' so your audience is 80% road users (yg drive along the road) and maybe 20% org yg actually using the bustop. So, the design should cater more towards road users rather than bustop sitters/squatters/lepakkers/slackers/blablabla :p meaning, it should be eye catching for the fast car drivers to see for a split second, and they'd know what product that is.
wah pjgnye.. xnk comment konon :p~ haah betol sume tu.. maybe i should've put sumtin on top of the bus stop which makes the road users, specially car drivers wna see and know what the ad is all about.. thanx comment! appreciate it :)
you can still print out a larger version of the product cut out n paste it anywhere on the bustop....(aesthetically correctly of course) that'll work. and the brand name too.
pleasure to serve you miss bright future designer!
uuh.. actually yg kt blakang tu the body lotion la.. cuma horizontal.. n x nmpak sgt :p~ hehe.. thanx..
oh! :D
whatever it is, you have a bright future ahead! go mein go!
haha! sronookk! but exhilarating giler jadi designer nii..
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