
N. Design Studio blog redesigned

N. Dseign Studio Blog

it looks even more merrier! previously, Nick La designed a colourfully dark blog for N. Design Studio blog. i think this is a good change of colour. it's quite different from the previous design, which is good. it's in par with the web portfolio's trend nowadays: bold page and post titles, text links above a line beside the design company's logo etc.

pass design of N. Design Studio blog

quoted from Nick La:
"After 3 years of using my Phoenix theme for this site, I finally redesigned it. I actually rebuild the entire site (both frontend and database) using the latest WordPress 2.8. So you may notice that some of the old content and comments are removed (I apologize if I have deleted your comments). I will write a detailed design process about this redesign soon. Meanwhile, let me know what do you think of the redesign. If you find any bugs, please report them to me. Finally, I would like to thank everyone who provided me with feedbacks and suggestions via twitter @nickla during my redesign process. Big thanks to everyone!"

Nick La also designed the candy tasty Web Designer Wall, Icon Dock and Best Web Gallery.

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