
registraion week: DJ Club flyer

registration week's finally here!! don't forget to get (n please don't throw away) the DJ Club flyer!! n look out for orange people with board signs around the campus! ;) they might surprise you! be a DJ n experience my life.. haha.. this is how the flyer looks like:

now, being a DJ does not means you'll be on airing everyday.. you have your own life.. but wen u enter DJ CLub, u won't just be a DJ.. u'l also got to get involve with managing events (RMMU Carnival/DJ Appreciation Night/Ice Breaking Trips...), designing stuff fo DJ Club (banners/flyers/booth...), promoting events and RMMU itself as well other numerous things you can do to help the club.. i'm certainly having fun doing it.. ok.. fun doesn't mean pure fun.. if you like the thing you do, it's fun la.. if you are being forced to do it, where's the fun there?? so choose the right path!

so, if u wna join DJ Club, join English DJs Slot!! if you enter English DJs slot, you'll be as crazy as hell! haha! here's the geist of typical English DJs activities.. we on air, go out for supper at Precint9, hang out for a while there, go to McD plak, hang out fo loong time there, go to 'tasik' at cyberia or sumwhere to release tension.. by that time it's already 5/6am.. so.. if u ave class at 9am, u can only sleep for 3/2 hours.. isn't that wonderful....?? hahahaha.... but i'm telling you, every momments with the English DJs are unforgettable and funn!! not only you got to hear some juicy gossips, lame jokes, funny stories, world news, local news, get new vocabs, you'll also get to fill your boring days (specially unsleepy late nights) n learn how to fart from Double D/Danny, our English DJs Manager!! he's really really really good at farting.. so choose us!! :p

how can sum1 fart so much?

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