
what i hate!!

1. people ask me to repeat what i said
2. people ask sumtin that they already know
3. stupid people who don't wanna learn
4. stupid people who waste their/parents' money to study but didn't study
5. backstabbers
6. wasting my time doing nothing
7. people who wastes their time by doing nothing n make me do nothing too
8. wasting money fo ridiculous/very very very expensive things
9. people who 'suit-suit' at me like like tikus cencurut
10. jiwang people -not romantic people aa.. that one i like..
11. people who makes mistakes but brings down other people, not them
12. people who don't strive for the best but make othr people look bad
13. people who ask me to help them wen they know i can't help em
14. gatal/miang people

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