
DJ Club namecards!!

ok.. sorry fo d delay of the namecard designs.. here are 2 of em.. if you want more, that'll probably take more time.. please understand that i'm not just a DJ Club designer.. i'm also an FCM student.. there are alooott of things to do fo our assignments. eventhough we have only 3-5 assignments, we have to take at least 1 week to do each of it.. although we were given like 6 weeks to do each of our assignments, but we used our 'luxury' time to do other things.. for instance, for me, i do DJ club designs.. and not to mention, sleeeeppp........... we have to sleep quite alot coz we work non-stop most of the time.. what could be more relevant than that huh..

so here are the designs.. Creative Designers have to have namecard too!! coz we designed it.. hehe.. i didn't put pointers like name: phone no.: e-mail: n stuff like that coz it wont look that professional.. so i used my personal data to represent the name, DJ name, post, phone no. and e-mail.. i allow you to critic the design..

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