

ehehehe.... you know why i'm typing this post now...? coz we were late for scripting class... hehehe.. 'we' there consists of me n 'Bapak'! 'Bapak' is Wan!! hehe.. we went to JPA to send our application for JPA scolarship.. i hope i can get it coz i don't want to burden my parents so much.. they already have enough problem wif me n their business..

neway.. after sending that application, the clock's already 11am.. it takes almost 20 minutes to get to MMU by car.. so... what else! we skipped la! even if we get to scripting class at 11.15am, the door will already be closed.. so, we head on to alamanda to get sumtin to eat.. and i found out Tropicana Life has opened! yayy!! i can get that CMYK sweater i want!! but when i have the money.. this is the sweater:

ok.. the colour is not like this.. the small scattered images on the sweater should be in baby blue, yellow and hot pink colour.. and the sweater colour is white.. ok.. acap's looking at this post.. idon't feel comfortable writing...


Faiz said...

skipping itu tidak baik untuk kesihatan. name i da kuar da kat onlinecyber kerane attendance mcm haram. u nk join? market secare percuma. ahahahaah

mein melon said...

ooh.. faiz faiz... sesungguhnye u tatau lg teknik2 menyekip class kt MMU neh.. blaja blaja la ek.. ;)

Faiz said...

i tau. suro org sign sudah. tp lecturer i tu skema giler. dier g check ngan attendance last week sme. kantoi bongok camtu je T_T

mein melon said...

kakakaka!! pdn mke!