
i moved to cyberia yayy!!!!!

finally!! glad i moved in here... easier, faster, calmer, merrier n more active!! it's easier fo me to do my werx coz imaster art is just some km away, printing shop is just around the corner and i can submit my work to the last minute coz MMU's only at the back of our house.. it's faster fo me to get to MMU (plus i can sleep late till 30mins b4 class starts :p) it's clamer here coz i don't have to hear my parents, ateem, ucu, nenek fighting with eachother.. it's merrier here coz duuh~ i have alot of friends around here!! but, the most importantly, i can be more active here coz our room (lyana&mine) is not making us sleepy.. so, i can do my work without being interrupted by the bed that keep calling me to sleep at home.. hah! n there's no television here!!! more reason to stay awake n do my work!! i can't wait doing my work here...

but there's a con though.. i have no computer table.. as in now, my computer table is made from cardboard boxes.. i felt so poor... haha! take a look:

my workstation

my 'tilam'

my closet



pyro teknika said...

tot cyberia was haunted?? i've stayed there before,(am x-mmu staff),but it was a short stay..anywy goodluck with ur studies!! luv ur designs the most..keep it up!! Auf Wiedersehen!!

mein melon said...

huh...? really???? aaaaaa!!!

pyro teknika said...

just dun come back late,otherwise there's gona be someone or sumthin follow u home,most haunted place in MMU? I would say the MSC Incubator,very scarryy..

mein melon said...

erk... now i'm scared.. ok...... thanx fo d info...

Unknown said...

yes! scary place! hahahaha...

Faiz said...

...ade ke antu?

anyway, pc table u lawa nk mampos. design one for me plssss meinnnn!!! hahaha

mein melon said...

stakat ni xde plak antu i nmpk.. klo i nmpk i bgtau ek..

haha! buat sndri la... all u need are 2 boxes n tapes..