
mediocre to amature

everything's like falling apart in my life now... no.. that's too dramatic.. everything's kinda weird in my life now.. it's like eveything about me has changed.. i'm lazy, skip classes (yea i did it before but, now more often), being sad sad sad, have self-doubt, not achieving what i want to achieve, didn't do my work, didn't go to tests, not creative anymore, don't have lots of idea anymore, being a coward, always think negative... what else? lot's more.. i can't even think of it right now.. let's just hope that i'd be able to change myself completely during this coming mid term break.. whoa... it's not a break you know.. it's just a week of doing assignments without having to go class! it will be the same week but, without class.. so, these are my assignments:

  • motion studies: 2 waterfall pictures
  • depth of field: 2 pictures of a couple with a significant building as the bakcground
  • assignment report

MI Design Process
  • appreciation of letterform: typographical poster
  • laying-out type: design typographical poster based on either one of these sentence:
    1. we need men who can dream of things that never were - John F. Kennedy
    2. imagination is the beginning of creation - George Bernard Shaw
    3. design is how it works - Steve Jobs
    4. if you can dream it, you can do it - Walt Disney
    5. it's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see - Henry David Thoreau
    6. to have a great idea (is to) have alot of them - Thomas Alva Edison
    7. good design doesn't date - Magic Johnson
    8. an idea is a point of departure - Pablo Picasso

i like no. 6 & 7..

Computer Modelling
  • finish up my 3D phone model (thanx mawi, kamil, haziq n acap fo helping me with it!!
  • futuristic cityscape/cultural heritage building/naturalistic environment in 3D: i haven't decide which one to do yet, maybe futuristic cityscape.. fuh... why am i always picking the hardest one...? coz i like to challenge myself...?

Computer Environment
  • update website
  • final project: microsoft powerpoint's layout (it's so easy.. but i dunno if i have time to do it)

Mandarin Language
  • watch more chinese movies/stories

ok.. that's my assignments... i have other stuff 2 do too.. huh.. i better have a great timetable for this holiday...

Hulala Artsy
  • go to UiTM for selling our clothes (don't forget to come, k!)
  • design more tees
  • find ideas what to sell during RantAi event.. yess!! we're gonna be there!! sronok glerr!!!!!!!!!
  • design banners

DJ Club
  • DJ Awards design
  • hi-com namecards (i have some ideas for it)
  • namecard quotation (i've got 2 quotations alrdy.. need to find some more??)

Blog Design
  • this design won't be permanent.. i'll make this blog richer with design.. but, i'm not sure if i have time for it.. haih... but i did changed my myspace layout though..
  • install Adobe Dreamweaver: it's easier to make a website using this software..

Organizing Myself!
  • i really need to buy an organizer or make a timetable or stick notes on a specific wall in my room to make sure i do every job that i have to do.. i'm also a 'pelupa'.. so, i better make reminder for myself..

those are just some portions of my entire holiday works.. i've got to balance them with my personal activities too.. my mama will most probably ask me to go shopping or take care of her boutique.. n my friends would want to hang out with me coz we haven't seen each other for a vry looong time.. n dates.. n television.. movies.. myspace/friendster/blog updates... kemas bilik... blablabla........ i hope i can finish all this in a week...

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