
Les Copaque 3D Training!!!

join! join! join! it's our seniors, people! i'm sure they'll give alot of tips for us coz they've been thru what we're facing now.. btw, i suck in 3D modelling.. i hope i can do better..

i think FA students should take this wonderful opportunity.. but, they're currently on their trip to PD right now.. hope they see this when they get back..

if you're interested, you should go to their website here: http://www.lescopaque.com/training.html n fill up the form..

there are alot of stuff bout the 3D cartoon animated movie "Geng : The Adventure Begins" (2008) coz duuh~ they're the ones who made it.. n not forgetting those two cute munchkins Upin & Ipin!! hihihi.... i adore their voices....

images credited to Les Copaque Production

"btol btol btol! hihihi!"

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