
secret wishes at a secret cafe'

i wish.. ey cannot tell la!

it was 28th August, Friday. my birthday was on the 7th day of puasa and 2 days after my grandma left us. the day begun like any other normal day.. classes, meetings and consultation.. one thing that separates the day from the rest was that my friends sang Eppy Birthday song to me in the OA lab, birthday messages i received from my friends and a simple berbuka-birthday dinner at Secret Recipe, Bangi. i'm already 19, no need a fancy party.. just me and my family. jangan salahkn saye atas kegelapan gamba2 ini.. secret recipe mmg gelap pun..

Raspberry Cheescake's my fav!

get rrready to rrumbblleee~!

ateem's 1st DSLR photo

yes! he did it all by himself.. he took my camera and pressed the shutter.. this is the first picture he took:

i was mending the pieces of my new red IKEA storage rack.. it's quite good, right? no shakes.. ateem! amie kawen nnt ateem je la amek gamba ek.. hehe..

took this picture when he's climbing up my mom's counter in the boutique..

hot stuff is great to be eaten!

especially when it's made in 3D and involves cream, donuts, colourful icings and rice sprinkles! found this motion designers web called HippieHouse Studio at Nazira's blog. this video looks delicious!! try playing it when you're fasting tomorrow morning. for sure terliur~ here's the image stills. you can watch the video on their web. the video features the countdown for HTV's Hot Ranking Top 21 made for HTV Music Channel




i just love putting on vector graphics on my desktop. here's a very cute pack of wallpapers made by J3Concept for you! i like how they create the gradient without actually using one, instead they use different tones of the same colour. found em at Abduzeedo (awesomest pot of wallpapers ever!). download the whole Wallpack! it contains 20 more of these vector wallpapers! that's alott! n they're for free! ape lagi?! downloooadd~!

Country Club Rerub

Psychedelic Apples of Death

For the Love of the ever Expanding Black Mass

A Mildly Violent Tribute

Super Mega Fun


One Eyed Purple People Eater

J3Concept Website


i'm not much of a political person. so i won't give too much comments on the videos. i just wna share these videos made by 15 Malaysian Directors. i only embed 3 of my favs. you can watch more on 15Malaysia.com. there are more videos to be released soon.

Quoted from 15Malaysia.com:
15Malaysia is a short film project. It consists of 15 short films made by 15 Malaysian filmmakers. These films not only deal with socio-political issues in Malaysia, they also feature some of the best-known faces in the country, including actors, musicians and top political leaders. You may think of them as funky little films made by 15 Malaysian voices for the people of Malaysia.

Watch our films. Look at our photographs. Drop us rude comments. Display your own films. Grab cool goodies. Join competitions. Meet our people. Help us spread the word. Download anything you want… We won’t charge a cent.

Chocolate directed by Yasmin Ahmad
A quiet tale that reminds us that, despite the multifaceted contradiction of Malaysia, life goes on – even if not all of it is sweet.

House directed by Linus Chung
An Indian boy is asked to build a model of his house at school. A tale on the social economic plight faced by many Malaysians.

Halal directed by Liew Seng Tat
A very silly slapstick comedy demonstrating the proper Islamic way to slaughter chicken.


are we starring in some kind of conspiracy theories?

dunno.. but, here's what i've got from Web Urbanist about 10 Frightening Conspiracy Theories. these are the selected ones that i'm interested in. by reading this, i now know the real stories behind those rumours about these conspiracy theories which is often being used in films. i get to know the history of the world too. these text were copied from Web Urbanist. i actually like history.. i like army movies n stuff, but i don't actually seek the truth or study history so much.. i just like to hear stories of the past, mysterious stuff n watch historical movies.. that's why i'm interested in conspiracy theories..

The Moon Landing Hoax

image from NASA

In 1969 astronaut Neil Armstrong took a “small step for man, a giant leap for mankind” when he walked on the surface of the moon. Or did he? Conspiracy theorists say the whole thing was a hoax and that the Americans, desperate to beat the Russians in the space race, either faked the whole thing or the parts of it involving men walking on the moon, with Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin acting out their mission on a secret film set. Another reason advanced for the hoax was that the U.S.government wanted to distract the public’s attention away from the deeply unpopular Vietnam war. Coincidentally (perhaps) lunar activities subsequently stopped, with planned missions canceled, around the same time that the U.S. ceased its involvement in Vietnam. A Gallup poll 20 years later in 1999 showed that 6% of Americans thought the lunar landings were fake and 5% were undecided.

John F. Kennedy's Assassination

image from SaveOurLands

John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963 in a Dallas motorcade. Who killed him? Officially it was a lone gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald. That was the conclusion of the Warren Commission set up to investigate. However polls held from 1966 onwards regularly show that anything up to a staggering 80% of Americans do not believe the ‘lone gunman’ story. In 1979, the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) found both the original FBI investigation and the Warren Commission Report to be ’seriously flawed’. Conspiracy theorists suggest it was a political coup with the execution planned and carried out by the CIA in collaboration with organized crime. Many witnesses and key participants subsequently died in mysterious circumstances, adding to the widespread belief that the official story was just a convenient fiction for public consumption.

The 9/11 Cover Up

image from About

Conspiracy theories surrounding the attack on the twin towers on September 11 2001 essentially allege that the U.S. government was, to some degree, ‘in on it’. They either looked the other way while the ‘terrorist’ plan was executed or were behind it. Their motives were to use the attacks as a pretext to justify the pre-planned invasion of foreign countries and to excuse the draconian curtailment of domestic civil liberties (both of which happened). Critics say it is simply absurd to suppose an American government would consider allowing its citizens to be killed and lie about it. In 1962 there was active consideration of a plan (Operation Northwoods) to inflict civilian casualties on America with hijacked aircraft to dupe the public into supporting the invasion of Cuba. Sound familiar? More recently members of the Bush administration considered using ‘false-flag’ attacks on U.S. troops to justify invading Iran. So the idea that killing US citizens and lying about it is totally unthinkable to some in government is sadly not true. But is that what happened on 9/11? Or is it just a crazy ‘conspiracy theory’?

Roswell and Alien Autopsies

image from Patdollard

Something crashed on a remote ranch near Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. Was it a weather balloon, as the official story suggests, or was it an alien spaceship? Conspiracy theorists think it was the latter. First reports said it was some sort of saucer but that was hastily amended to a weather balloon. Possibly it was neither, but rather a high-altitude, top-secret military balloon from Project Mogul. Descriptions of the wreckage first reported by the original eyewitnesses match photos of the Project Mogul balloons, down to the silvery finish and strange symbols. But what about the alien autopsies? Well they didn’t surface until decades later, when a book on the topic was published. There probably was a cover-up, but did it involve flying saucers and alien bodies or just a top-secret, high-altitude balloon that they wanted to keep quiet?

Was Marilyn Monroe Murdered?

image from Cinematic Passion

Marilyn was found dead in the bedroom of her Los Angeles house and the death was attributed to ‘acute barbiturate poisoning’ and ‘probable suicide’ by the coroner. She was a long-term barbiturate user and had a history of overdose. In fact, she had a history of not only overdosing, but of being resuscitated. However many individuals including Jack Clemmons, the first LAPD officer to arrive at the house, and her ex-husband Joe Di Maggio, believe she was murdered. Monroe had been having an affair with John F Kennedy and perhaps with his brother Bobby too. She was also a close associate of Frank Sinatra, who himself had influential friends in organized crime. It is suggested that Monroe, something of a ‘loose cannon’ with her drug problems and chaotic lifestyle, was killed on the instructions of the Kennedy’s because she knew too much about the political dynasty’s Mafia links and was threatening to go public to get back at Robert for dumping her.

The Holocaust Theory

image from Sheppard

Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, some conspiracy theorists believe that the deliberate extermination of 6 million Jews in the Nazi concentration camps is simply a conspiracy intended to discredit Hitler. They do not deny that Jews were interned in prison camps during World War II but argue that the number of deaths was greatly exaggerated. They say that the pictures of emaciated people and bodies stacked like cord wood were actually of Poles and Germans who died of typhus rather than being the victims of mistreatment. They maintain that gas chambers were just a rumor. To buy into this revisionist view one would need to discount the mountain of pictorial and first-hand witness evidence available, but that’s never stood in the way of a conspiracy theory before.

there more conspiracy theories to read about at Web Urbanist:
  • The New World Order
  • Giant Lizards Rule the World
  • The CIA and AIDS
  • The Death of Princess Diana

texting can crush your bones and your love ones

so.. after all of those crushes, hits and bumps, do you still wna text when you're driving?


encik-encik breakers sume :D thaaanxx!

the breaker from slime on Vimeo.

ngahaha~! you guys memang pandai amek ati i mse bday i la.. haha.. drpd dlu lagi.. thanx korangg~! :D

i'm 19 n i dunno what to wish for.. nanti dah terfikir nk wish ape, i'll write it in here :)

oh btw, to EVERYONE yang wish me today, THANNXXX!! korang sangat best!! :) termasukla Hotlink yang RM0 pnye message tu..

Ammar - Eppy Birthdaaaaaayy Ayaaaaaannggg~!! (daripada minggu lepas lagi..)
Ateem - Amie! (sambil senyum2) Amie punye besday Amie nak hadiah ape? meh Ateem belikan.. ni Ateem ade beli Night at the Museum 2.. nanti kte tengok same2 ek! Amie! Amie kuar ke arini? arini kan besday Amie.. Amie kuar g mane?? Amie tak sambut besday Amie ke?? (aaa... adela lagi dea cakap x ingat dah..)
Mama - alaaa... lupelaaa.. arini bday mein..!
Papa - oh yea ke..
Kamil - eppy besday mein..
Naniey - Mein hunny bunny.. hepy 19th bezday.. enjoy ur laz teen bebeh.. lebiu :-*
Athirah - Selamat hari jadi MELON
Hotlink - Enjoy FREE Voicemail blablabla
Kakja - I love you my little Sis. Learnt my lesson I should be saying things b4 it's too late. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
Ajwad - Hepi B'day Mein
Wan - Happy birthday mein yang ke-19!
Nadeyu - ameinaahh eppy beday bebeh!xD (saye bukann ameinaaahh! x.x )
Dila -happy bday mein :)
Nazira - Happy Birthday Mein ! :D
Adib - selamat hari jadi, mein! :D
Yaya - Happy 19th birthday Mein! may you have a great day filled with love and joy :)


nenek, tak sempat kte buat kueh same2..

Nenek Siti Rohana Idris 1928 - 2009

harini ktorg bersahur tanpa nenek.. jenguk kat bilik nenek, ucu je yang ade.. tgk atas meja, makanan masih di dalam tin.. slalu nenek masakkan.. makanan ade je bawah tudung saji.. harini ktorg bangun lambat nk sahur, nenek xde, so mein kne tolong papa n mama masak.. kalau nenek ade, mesti tak pyah masak dah.. tinggal nk makan je..

dulu sebelum mein g tadika, nenek slalu tocangkan rambut mein.. nenek tau mein dh lambat nk pegi tadika. tapi, nenek ikat rambut mein lama2 supaya kemas. dulu mase mein maen2 kat longkang, mein jatuh.. kepala berdarah.. nenek yg rawat kan.. dulu g pasar kat batu 9, nenek ngan ucu slalu belikan mein baju nipis sepasang yang ade gambar2 tu.. nenek belikan yang ade gambar Garfield, Mickey Mouse, bangunan Sultan Abdul Samad.. kalau mein tak ikut pun, nenek belikan jugak.. sebab nenek tau mein suke baju sepasang yg kale2 tu.. dulu nenek suke pakai bedak sejuk yg puteh tu.. mein sibok2 nk pakai jugak.. nenek pakaikan.. walaupun mse tu dah malam, nenek dah ngntuk nak tidur.. nenek sabar je ngan mein.. sekarang mse mein dh besar pun nenek sabar je ble mein cakap kuat2 ngn nenek.. sebenarnye mein takut nenek x dengar.. tu yg mein cakap kuat2.. mein mintak maaf nek, kalau nenek rase sakit hati ble mein cakap kuat2 mcm tu..

paling mein rindu pasal nenek ialah mse kte buat kueh dulu.. nenek ingat tak, dulu mse kt rumah lame, nenek ajar mein buat kueh loyang.. mein suke tengok nenek buat kueh tu.. mein suke tengok nenek buat kueh.. tatau npe.. mein sukeee... tapi sejak pindah sini, nenek dah tak larat buat kueh.. perkakasnye pun ntah mne2.. mein tanye2 nenek ble nenek nk buat kueh camtu lagi.. tapi nenek cakap "macam mano laie minn.. bahan-bahannyo tak ado.." kalau mein nak, mein boleh je belikan bahan2nye tapi mein tak belikan.. mein lagi banyak buat hal sendiri daripada layan nenek sorang2 tengok tv kat bawah.. mein sampai mimpi kita buat kueh keria same2.. sume orang buat.. nenek pun ade.. mein mimpi nenek mintak tolong mein masukan kueh keria tu dalam oven.. tatau la npe kne masuk dalam oven.. tapi yang mein harapkn slame ni termakbul jugak dalam mimpi tu.. tapi mein nk buat kueh betol2 ngn nenek.. mein tunggu je dapur kat bawah tu siap renovate.. mein berhajat, lepas dapur tu siap, kte boleh buat kueh same2 sebelum raye ni.. tapi dah tak sempat dah.. :'(

semalam ucu cakap nenek tertanye2 pasal ktorg kat sini.. nenek kat seremban.. nenek tanye ucu ble ktorg nk dtg.. nenek cakap nk tgk ateem.. nenek ingatkan kakja tak jadi datang.. tapi ucu tolong cakapkan kat nenek yg ktorg nak datang petang semalam... nenek tunggula.. tapi tak sempat... mase ucu mandikan nenek, ucu cakap nenek dah tertunduk.. ucu panggil nenek, nenek tak menyahut.. angah cakap nenek dah pergi... mase tu 11.40am.. mase tu mein baru nk kuar beli iMac.. dalam perjalanan ke MMU, mama call papa cakap nenek dah pergi.. papa tersentak.. kereta perlahan dengan mendadak.. mase mein dengar papa cakap "innalillah.." mein tanye "ape? ape?? ape??" mase tu mein terfikir kat nenek je.. ble mein terfikir kat nenek, papa tak payah bgtau pun takpe.. sebab mein dah tau.. nenek yg pergi.. daripada mein gembira sakan nak beli iMac, mein nanges.. mein tau nenek nak pergi dah.. tapi, mein tak jangka pula nenek nak pergi semalam.. mse tu jugak mein call wan n ammar nak bgtau pasal nenek.. ktorg tak jadi beli iMac mein.. mein tak kisah dah pasal iMac tu.. yang mein tau, mein nak jumpe nenek sebelum nenek dikebumikan..

ble sampai butik, mein dengar mama nanges.. tapi mama kuat.. dea tak nanges sebab dea tak dapat terima nenek pergi.. tapi, dea bersyukur sebab nenek pergi mse bulan puasa.. nenek pergi tanpa seksa.. ktorg cepat2 balik rumah, pakai baju lawa2.. mein tau, mesti nenek nak tengok ktorg pakai lawa2, elok2, sebab nenek pun suke macam tu..

mase sampai kt seremban, mein cari nenek.. mein nk panggil nenek, tapi cmne.. takkan mein nk panggil orang yg dah takde.. mein masuk rumah angah, mein tengok badan dan muka nenek dah diselubungi kaen batik.. mein nanges semula.. mase tengok nenek dalam keadaan macam tu, mein mengharap sangat nenek sedar balik, panggil nama mein, mama sume.. walaupun mein tau benda tu takkan menjadi.. mase mama buka kaen batik tu, nak tengok muka nenek, mein tengok muka nenek puteh sangat.. sebelum ni kalau muka nenek puteh, tu tandenye nenek pakai bedak sejuk.. tapi ni nenek tak pakai pun.. mama, angah sume cium muka nenek, peluk nenek.. sayang sangat kat nenek..

ktorg hantar jenazah nenek ke batu 9. mein tengok deorg mandikan nenek.. harum..... tak macam orang slalu ckp.. mse mandikan jenzah, bau busuk.. tapi nenek tidak.. nenek wangi sangat.. kakja pun cakap senang nk mandikan nenek.. lepas tu, deorg balut nenek dengan kaen puteh sume.. kali terakhir mein tengok muka nenek, muka nenek semakin puteh.. mein cium nenek kat dua2 belah pipi.. mase tu mein nak sangat nenek bangun balik, cium pipi mein.. tapi mein tau tu sume takkan berlaku.. lepas sume orang dah cium nenek, deorg usung nenek ke majid yang ucu cakap atuk tolong bina.. deorg solat jenazah kat situ.

selesai sumenye, ktorg bawak nenek kat kubur, sama tempat ngan kubur atuk.. mse tu petang.. tak panas.. redup je.. tak hujan jugak.. deorg sume letakkan nenek dalam kubur nenek.. papa tolong timbuskan.. lepas dah timbus, talkin, yassin sume, ktorg balik.. nenek tunggu yea.. nanti raya ktorg datang balik.. mama cakap, sekarang nenek boleh jumpe atuk semula.. nenek bergembiralah ngan atuk.. ktorg doakan nenek ngan atuk dijauhkan dari seksa kubur dan api neraka.. kakja cakap, nenek sangat senang diuruskan.. itu tandanya betapa mulianya hidup seseorang itu.. mama penah cakap, dulu mase dea sekolah, bila balik2 rumah, mesti ade je makanan atas meja.. kalau nenek tak jage mama baek2, manela datang mein ni ha.. terima kasih, nek..

mase nenek ade, mein tak banyak tangkap gambar nenek.. i should've done so..

Kakja's story on nenek


look ma, no instruments! just iBand!

OMG.. i'm soo proud of em :) IAreTalk was invited by Sapura Digital Lifestyle Store to cover on their iBand performance. see more video of em playing iBand on IAreTalk! wish i could've been there.. aaa... what a miss! wen they were doing this, we had Islamic Studies Presentation den ade meeting Copywriting.. huh~


uploaded: DJ Club PD Trip 09

hah! dah b'bulan nak upload arini bru sempat nk upload all of PD Trip Photos.. so, if you're a DJ of RMMU, please tell other fellow DJs that their weird poses in PD are up on my Myspace page ;) yours too..

PD Trip aritu was kinda fun.. i didn't get to enjoy the telematch so much coz i was having a bad sore throat and fever sket.. so, i did my part as one of the photographer.. some of the poses made by the DJs were weird, naughty and syok sendri.. haha.. termasukla saye.. heee..

our bus was the coolest one coz we all sang together along the way to PD. the lead guitarist was Syafiq and the lead singer was Sheila :) the backup singers were Nabz and the juniors.. yg laen taram..


a guy twitted me 3 days ago.. not sure who he was at first, but then i clicked on his web that he show on his twitter and found a very clean, dark n stylish web! i like it when you hover on the logo and it lights up.. his name's Richie Chin or Qimocha.

Qilayout Works

Qilayout Print works

Qilayout Blog

here's a sweet video from him:

Lucky Foot from qimocha on Vimeo.

the colour's nice, right?


tank girl 1988

Tank Girl by Jamie Hewlett

one way to make your character have full of personality is by detailing it. look at this Tank Girl, she's soo full of character! every part of her was drawn in detail that tell bits and pieces of herself.

quoted from Sci-Fi-O-Rama:
A wonderfully detailed profile shot of “Tank Girl”, a British Comic book character who made her official debut in Deadline Magazine back in 1988.

Set in a post-apocalyptic Australia (ala Mad Max) Tank Girl is the creation of Alan Martin and Jamie Hewlett, Hewlett of course most famous for being the Co-Creator (along with Blur’s Damon Albarn) of the concept band Gorillaz.

Read more about Tank Girl at Wiki or visit the official site.

lovin a.e.i.o.u calendar!

bought a calendar last thursday. it's designed by my favourite wrapping paper brand: a.e.i.o.u! now here's a smart company. they did a calendar that consist of 2 years: 2009 & 2010 so that the buyers will not have to buy any other calendar next year and coz they started to sell this calendar this month.

2009 calendar

2010 calendar

month of august!

a.e.i.o.u Studio web

you're a designer of a scarry game wallpaper

wna make your own wallpaper of The House of the Dead Overkill? no need to open your Photoshop, just head on to Overkill Poster Creator and create one! i don even play or know anything bout that game.. but, it was fun to hear screaming, gunshot and bloody sound effect while designing it.. all of the designs are ready for you to drag on the canvas..

this is mine.. kononnye, i'm the director and the actors are Ateem Bot (he wants his name there.. so i put it), Dodol Grungilla (Ammar) and introducing Sooosan Gobber (that time i remembered the scene where Bob from Monsters VS. Aliens said "Soooosann~")

the wallpaper's now on Ateem's computer desktop..

cookie's nicky

Art in Industry by Nicky Gibson

Cookie has a girlfriend named Nicky :) so sweet! Nicky does cute little Socks Monsters.. she blogs too.. her blog name is Monster Munch. so, my last 3 posts are connected to each other.. like relatives!

Monster Munch

i think we have these Socks Monsters in Malaysia too. i saw a booth at Youth 09 aritu that sells these stuff.. i wna buy one of it.. but my room's already full of stuff n i don wna make the Socks Monster feel lonely sitting in my room with nothing to do..

Making things at The Nelson


Eddy Bear

Cheesy-Chops & Percy Penguin

Reginald Rabbit

Thalia's Sock Monster (i dunno what it's called)

Happy Felt Heart Pin Cushion

wallpapers made in england

He wanted to draw a bear, but he drew a horse instead..

Made in England is a blog written by the eccentric-looking plus illustrator, Cookie. he makes the honest-est wallpapers every week! i like em.. :) his illustrations mostly resembles himself coz they have moustache, most of em used orange colour and the characters kinda chubby and hairy :) cute! browse his weekly wallpapers on his blog! the wallpaper above is the latest one. he makes me wna do something in Illustrator everyday..

Uuu~ Noty..


Crank Band (orange)

Bend Over Please

Superheroes Fun Run

Get Back to Work, Stop Blogging! - the one i've downloaded :)